ClipCube Media worked with Golf Education Asia to promote and run their PGA Coaching Summit at the Landmark Hotel Ball Room, in Bangkok.
Website Development and Design
CipCube Media designed and produced the website with registration features and 5 language support on the website for English, Thai, Korean, Chinese and Japanese.
Event Management
ClipCube worked with GEA to select the most suitable hotel, designed and printed backdrops and banners for the stage and reception area and coordinated with the hotel to plan and design the stage, food and beverage and managed live projection to the screens of the presenters and the audio/sound and visual equipment, and lighting were working and in the correct location. Running tests and pre-event sound checks.
In addition, we printed all coordination and delegate materials, prepared registration sheets and name tags and provided bi-lingual staff to coordinated hotel rooms and registration of the delegates.
Video Production
ClipCube Media produced a teaser video in all 5 languages for direct marketing purposes.
During the Coaching Summit, ClipCube Media operated 3 cameras, set up and managed the sound and lighting to record the event across the 2 days, from which multiple smaller videos were made for GEA training purposes and marketing.
On conclusion of the summit organised and filmed interviews with the 3 presenters and organiser of the event.