What do we do?

E catalogue and flipbook development process

A simple graphical overview of the process.


Here is the basic process we follow and some of the features we can incorporate:


  1. Agree the objectives and outcome.
    • Be clear as to the message and mood to communicate.
    • Plan the content - text, links, video, images, music.
    • Identify where the media will be located.
    • Agree a distribution method - website, email footer, social media, insert in newsletter and directories etc.
  2. Build a template design
  3. Define the language for your published page-flipping eBook, multi-language switchable.
  4. Add password to protect your page-flipping eBook.
  5. Add Google Analytics Support.
  6. Add watermark image or SWF to show on print out pages.
  7. Add Help configure to manually define content with using Image or SWF.
  8. Add Minimize Style to show page-flipping eBooks without toolbar.
  9. Set permissions for downloadingprintingsocial sharingHome, About button and more.
  10. Edit bookmark manually and set bookmark panel to show on left or right side.
  11.  Insert background music either for continuous play (loop) or for a set duration
  12. Include  shopping projects to pages, like PriceOrder buttonsProduct photosShopping icons, etc.
  13. Include linksimagesvideosflash or sound files.
  14. Add Button on pages to open link page, call Javascript action, play Flash/Video in pop-up Window.
  15. Define the language for your published page-flipping eBook, multi-language switchable.
  16. Variety of flip effect on the page corner Example:. Drag the corner to flip a page, click page shadows to flip a page.
  17. Option to Flip pages automatically and repeatedly
  18. Single/Double Page view.
  19.  View with pre-loading needed pages to open quickly, do not need to wait all pages loaded.
  20. Buttons to control page, such as Previous, Next, First, Last etc.
  21. Adjust buttons on toolbar automatically based on container size.
  22. View page-flipping eBooks in full screen.
  23. Use thumbnail to navigate.
  24.  Search whole eBook.
  25. Print out the whole ebook or a range of pages directly (support to clip area on pages and then print).
  26. Download the uploaded page-flipping eBook from web site directly.
  27. Double-click to zoom in or zoom out.
  28. Share eBook url via email.
  29.  Open or close page-turning sound.
  30.  Open to a certain page in Browser
  31. View output page-flipping eBook on iPad, iPhone and Android devices (slide single pages mode supported).